Monthly Archives: May 2014

VIDEO: Political Correctness ‘Triggering’ Dangerous Herd-like Mentality

The Eloi wanted to live in harmony, without discomfort or fear. So, in HG Well’s Time Machine, they did…until they were eaten by the Morlocks. See, people need to be confronted with things, so their amygdala knows how to handle unpleasant things in the future. Now, some universities are requesting there be trigger warnings on impolitically correct books, etc. Hear Bill Whittle explain how this is going to deliver us to the Morlocks.

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Playtime is Over

Playtime is Over

 It’s very difficult to be a so-called ‘watchman on the wall.’ Our spirits are strongly prompted by the Lord to warn the world of God’s impending judgment; unfortunately for us, His timing is not our timing. We instinctively know that He is coming “soon,” but God has a much different definition of that word than we do. 

 To us, the word “soon” means just that. Soon. As in weeks or months at the most. But to God, it could mean days, months, years, decades or even centuries. On the other hand, it could literally mean tomorrow! I sure wish there was a conversion table in the Bible that would show what HE means by “soon.” Sure would make life a whole lot easier.

 Ever since Jesus ascended back to heaven and the church was born, this Dispensation of Grace has been considered ‘the last days.’ For instance,  Hebrews 1:1-2 says “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.” 

And, therein lies the rub; it’s been the “last days” for an awful long time! Because it’s been 2000 + years since the ‘last days’ began, those of us who burn with the need to shout out warnings sometimes look like idiots. I’m just being honest here. We write fervent messages warning that Jesus is just about to snatch us home, yet time ticks on and on. I sometimes feel like the little boy who was always crying ‘wolf!’ After a while, people tune you out.

 But things are much different today than they were when I started calling out warnings in 2007. We can refer to that time as being ‘BTO,’ or Before the Occupant. America has taken a nosedive in so many ways since the usurping Occupant was sworn into office. Once upon a time we were the shining city on a hill, the country nearly everyone on earth aspired to emulate and immigrate to but now, we’re little more than an international punch-line; fodder for the godless nations to mock and hold in derision. 

 Our military was the strongest, most respected and feared in human history. Now, it’s filled with sodomites, atheists and macho lesbians. Our most prized, experienced, wise senior officers have been purged with reckless abandon to make way for dumbed down ‘yes’ men, who are ignorant of the Constitution they swear to uphold, as well as sociopathic thugs who enjoy raping their fellow soldiers, regardless of sex. The demoralization is complete.

 The local city and state police forces have been militarized and indoctrinated to view ‘civilians’ as the enemy. Forever gone are the men who patrolled our streets with the understanding they were in uniform to protect and serve the citizen taxpayers. Now, an alarming number of officers enjoy parading around in their black soldier outfits, aiming their new, automatic weapons in the faces of terrorized innocent men, women and children. 

 Many of them love to arrest people for the slightest perceived infraction while completely violating the Constitutional rights of their victims. If they’re able to fit in a few kicks to the head of a handcuffed ‘suspect,’ all the better! God help you if you fail to automatically capitulate and bow in humble submission to their commands. Refuse to obey their every word and suffer the consequences, sometimes fatally.

 And as the bully cowards they really are, they especially enjoy shooting the family pet, usually a dog, even when that animal is absolutely no threat to them whatsoever. They seem to experience a rush of testosterone pleasure from seeing the grief-stricken shock of the pet owners as they watch their beloved friend writhe in pain. I don’t remember them doing that kind of thing back in 2007, do you?

 Race relations have gone down the toilet since the first “black” President was inaugurated. In reality, he has nothing whatsoever in common with the current descendants of slaves brought to America from Africa. His heritage is mostly Arab, people who happen to be the most prolific criminals in human trafficking both historically, and today. But try telling that to the blacks in this country. He’s their hero, even though he’s destroyed their opportunities for employment, decent healthcare and forced millions onto the government teat. 

 Because of the Occupant and his mooching, entitlement-queen wife’s overt hatred of white people, as well as the fantastically corrupt choice of an openly racist Attorney General of the Department of Injustice, white folks are now treated to a steady diet of the ‘knockout game,’ A/K/A ‘polar bear hunting.’ It’s open season and there have been hundreds of victims, some who have even died in the attacks. This wasn’t the case back in 2007.

 Let’s look at the change in crime since then. Seven years ago, we didn’t hear of children raping other children. I don’t mean teenagers; no, I’m talking about little kids. Just today, World Net Daily published a report of a 10-year-old girl in an elementary school in Oklahoma City, who was sexually assaulted in the bathroom. 

 She reported to her mother that a girl held her down while the girl’s 8-year-old brother literally raped her. They threatened to beat her if she screamed. The child was taken to the hospital and her physical exam confirmed her story. Stellar parenting there, people. 

 Can someone please explain to me how children that age would be cognizant of such wickedness, much less have the wherewithal to perpetrate it on another child? What kind of so called family produces such little monsters? I’ll bet a million dollars those kids don’t have their Daddy living with them, if they even know who he is! 

 We now also have the whole zombie thing happening. A couple of days ago, someone in California videotaped a man removing all his clothes in the middle of an intersection. Once he was completely nude, he accosted a woman who was pushing a stroller. Then, he jumped on a car that had pulled up to a stop sign and proceeded to crawl into the open sunroof, and beat and choked the terrified female driver. You can hear her screams as she tries to fight off the crazed lunatic, finally smashing her car into a light pole. 

 Then, there’s the nut-job in Miami back in 2012 who was discovered naked, attacking and literally eating the flesh, eyes and nose off a live homeless man. When police yelled at him to stop, he looked at them and growled and went back to munching. It took 7 bullets before he was finally dead. Authorities blamed the attack on a synthetic drug called bath-salts, but these things strongly resemble demonic possession. 

 Two other incidents like this happened in Texas in 2013. In the first, a naked man, high on synthetic marijuana launched himself out of his locked glass door, cutting himself badly. He then proceeded to scoop up the blood and flesh and eat it. When the family dog became upset, he beat the dog and ate the poor thing alive.

 In the second incident, a woman high on the same drug, slashed her own throat and arms, then killed and partially ate her 18-month-old baby. Drugs have always been around, but these kinds of things never happened back in 2007. No, I’m not blaming the Occupant for these things, although it is widely acknowledged he is a habitual cocaine and marijuana user, and has been since his youth.

 The militant rise of the homosexual agenda has taken over to an absurd degree. At this point, if someone refuses to enthusiastically endorse their demand to completely upend thousands of years of human history by redefining what marriage is, that person is publicly castigated and is in danger of losing their job or being forced out of business by the Pervert Posse.

 This aberration of nature is now firmly ensconced in our public schools with the blessing of the teachers union. Our babies are being taught that the LGBT lifestyle is perfectly normal and should be embraced and even experimented with. This covers numbers 17, 24 and 26 of the 45 Declared Goals of the Communist Takeover of America, read on the floor of the House of Representatives on January 10, 1963. Don’t get me started on the obscenity that is the Common Core Curriculum for the schools.

 Below, you’ll find the link to this document. I think you’ll be impressed how successful our enemies have been in destroying our country.

 I could go on and on about the bizarre weather we’ve experienced in the last 7 years, along with the seemingly endless mass die-offs of fish, cattle, deer, whales, dolphins, starfish, and so on. A week ago, residents in New Jersey woke up to untold thousands of dead fish belly up in the Shark River. They’re still trying to clean up the mess.

  A couple of days ago, Australian news reported that, because of the severe drought, a toxic weed called The Darling Pea has become overgrown. Sheep in one part of the country have been grazing on it because the grass they normally eat is dead. The toxins in the plant caused literally thousands of sheep to start pounding their heads on fence posts and rocks until their skulls broke open and they died! I am NOT kidding! When did you ever hear of such a thing happening??

  In 2007, there were a total of 712 deaths worldwide attributed to earthquakes. In 2013, that total rose to 1,463. There’s the whole sinkhole phenomenon occurring all over the world, the latest causing a 40-foot hole in a football stadium in Nashville, TN. Vicious tornadoes have already killed dozens of people in the U.S. this spring.  

  We’ve got the White House scandal du jour with the kill list of veterans whose treatment was considered to be too expensive, so the VA delayed caring for them until they died. Like I said…that’s the scandal of the week. We all know the other ones-the ones that will NEVER be fully investigated or prosecuted in a fair court of law. 

  Muslims all over the world are completely out of control, getting much too big for their turbans and are in great need of a Holy knock-down. I mean, seriously! What kind of god would be pleased that his followers kidnapped and sexually enslaved 300 innocent young girls? That entire religion from top to bottom is satanically driven and its adherents are absolutely demon possessed. No doubt about it!

  I don’t remember seeing Christians kidnapping anyone, slitting throats, raping indiscriminately, playing soccer with the decapitated heads of their victims, forcing conversions, slaughtering men, women, children and babies by burning them alive in a locked mosque, and chopping up those who escaped with machetes. God Almighty in heaven! How much longer are You going to put up with this?

  There’s so much collusion and corruption between world leaders, there’s no way to sort out what the real story is. America started the uprising in the Ukraine. Putin acts like he’s the new Napoleon, strutting around the stage like a little rooster, wheeling and dealing with China while mocking the wimpy American President. Are they really enemies? Or is this whole Ukraine thing a well-coordinated event?

  If you’ll remember in 2012, the Occupant whispered to then Russian President Medvedev that after he was re-elected, he’d have “more flexibility” regarding missile defense. He and Putin act like they hate each other and Putin very well may despise the girly-man Occupant. However, it could easily be pure theatre. After all, they both share the same Communist ideology.

  Then we have that spoiled, fat little troll in North Korea who gets his diaper in a bunch when no one is paying enough attention to him. He likes to shoot off missiles and threaten to nuke other countries. He obviously feels like he’s following in his Daddy’s lunatic shoes by schmoozing cross-dressing, basketball has-been, Dennis Rodman in the morning, then publicly executing Christians and political dissidents in the afternoon. 

  Poor ‘ol Israel is getting shafted from all sides, including America. May God bless Netanyahu and give him supernatural wisdom and courage in these dangerous days. I do pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and I can hardly wait to watch that filthy, golden pimple on the Temple Mount blasted to hell where it belongs! 

  Finally, there’s the pathetic excuse of the mainstream church. The purpose-driven, emergent, seeker-friendly, coffee house, trite lyrics, rock band, lasers and fog machine, mega-sized, smarmy-smiled, sin excusing, member building, Bible forsaking, Islam loving, all-roads-lead-to-God teaching, prosperity proclaiming, Israel hating, Palestinian smooching, build-a-Jesus, lukewarm, apostate church of today.

  Woe to the pastors of these churches! You WILL answer to the Lord Jesus Christ for all the souls you led into hell by not preaching the Gospel. The blood of every, single false convert in your congregation is on your hands! REPENT!

  I guess the point I’m trying to make is this: I’ve been warning that we are living in the end days since 2007. Many times, I’ve felt like I really was crying wolf, yet I knew I was doing what the Lord wanted me to do. Well folks, I no longer feel like I’m crying wolf. 

  Events are happening at an exponential rate. The spiritual activity in the air is at a frenzied pitch and something’s gotta give. Folks, if you take a moment to reflect on the greased slide towards hell this world has taken since 2007, you’ll see how far we’ve come and exactly where the minute hand is on the prophetic clock. Midnight is chiming now! 

  Are you ready to meet your Bridegroom? Have you laid aside the things of this wicked world? Are there any other gods before Him in your heart? Have you even accepted Christ as your savior in the first place? I’m telling you that time is up. Get ready, because when it hits the fan, it’s going to hit hard and fast. Life as we know it will NEVER return to what we know as normal. 

  The judgment of God is coming, and soon. Prepare your hearts and look up, for our redemption really IS drawing nigh! Playtime is definitely over. 



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Muzzie Terrorists at GITMO Get Better Medical Treatment Than Veterans

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Hollywood celebrities caught on hidden camera accepting money from “Middle Eastern oil interests”

ames O’Keefe Premieres “Expose: Hollywood’s War on US Energy” at Cannes Hollywood celebrities caught on hidden camera accepting money from “Middle Eastern oil interests”

CANNES — In a blockbuster new video, Project Veritas has exposed the truth about the dark funding behind Hollywood’s anti-fracking messaging machine.

New York Times Bestselling Author and Project Veritas founder and president James O’Keefe debuted the latest investigation at a “premiere” in Cannes, France on Wednesday.

In the investigation, an undercover journalist from Project Veritas posed as a member of a Middle Eastern oil dynasty and offered $9 million in funding to American filmmakers to fund an anti-fracking movie.

In video from a meeting with Ed Begley Jr., Mariel Hemingway and Josh Tickell, a Project Veritas investigator disguised as “Muhammed” offered $9 million for an anti-fracking film. “Muhammad” clearly states: “If Washington DC continues fracking, America will be energy efficient, and then they won’t need my oil anymore.”

In the same conversation, Begley and Hemingway accept the funding and agree to hide the source of funds for the anti-fracking movie. Hemingway agreeing that those who will know the source of the funding are “only at this table.”

Ed Begley Jr. is an outspoken environmental activist and current Governor on the board of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science (the organization that brings us the OSCARS every year.)

Mariel Hemingway is a Golden Globe- and Oscar-nominated actress.

Josh Tickell is a Sundance Film Festival Winner and the director of environmental message movies “Fuel”, “The Big Fix” and “PUMP”.

Team Begley even submitted a video of Oscar-nominated actor Mark Ruffalo offering his unwavering support for the fictitious anti-fracking film project.

The meeting came about after a series of discussions with Josh and Rebecca Tickell. A Project Veritas journalist posed as an ad executive seeking to broker a deal for his client (“Muhammed”) to fund an American-made anti-fracking film.

In a phone call to Tickell, the ad executive states: “My client’s interest is to end American energy independence; your interest is to end fracking. And you guys understand that?”

Tickell’s response: “Correct. Yes, super clear.”

Tickell makes it clear on the tape that revealing the source of funding for an activist film can undermine its credibility. Tickell notes that the movie “Promised Land” undermined its own message because it was labeled as being funded by Image Nation Abu Dhabi. His advice: “So rather than putting that [the source of funding] up front, don’t mention that.”

In a follow-up call with Josh and Rebecca Tickell, Rebecca Tickell assures our investigator: “We would never tell about where the funding is coming from. That would be really awkward for us.”

Josh Tickell: “We’re confident that we can keep this zip locked, you know tight, air-tight forever. If we don’t protect who is kind of funding this thing, if we have to disclose that or that becomes a necessary part of it, the whole enterprise will not work.”

Project Veritas founder and president James O’Keefe stated Wednesday:

“This latest investigation shows the dark side of Hollywood’s environmental movement. Hollywood is willing to take and conceal money from Middle Eastern oil interests in order to advance their cause of destroying American energy independence.”

The raw video can be found at

Project Veritas is non-partisan and does not advocate for political candidates or parties. The purpose of Project Veritas’ investigations is to expose waste, fraud, dishonesty and self-dealing.

Stay up to date on who responds by following us on Facebook at and on Twitter @Project_Veritas.

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Global Warming, Global Cooling or Climate Change?

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VIDEO: NeoConservatives: Changing American Politics

Why is it that no matter whether Democrats or Republicans win the presidency, our country continues to suffer? The answer to this question reveals a stealthy shift that has occurred in American politics involving both parties, resulting from a shift of the NeoConservatives from one party to the other.

View this video to learn about the surprisingly radical roots of NeoConservatives, how to identify them, and what you can do to help America restore its lost liberties.

To view a trailer for the upcoming video, Who Are the NeoConservatives?, click on….

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Tommy “Dude” Vietor, former National Security Council spokesman, did America a favor when he dismissed a question from Fox News’s Bret Baier about Benghazi with the Lebowskian “Dude, that was like two years ago.” S…

Tommy “Dude” Vietor, former National Security Council spokesman, did America a favor when he dismissed a question from Fox News’s Bret Baier about Benghazi with the Lebowskian “Dude, that was like two years ago.”  Such juvenility is pervasive among denizens of Obama’s White House, or, as it may be better described, Obama’s Frat House. And it is hurting America.

There were intimations early in Obama’s Presidency that his leadership team was a boys club. As Carrie Budoff Brown wrote in Politico:

The boys club image took hold during the 2008 presidential campaign and the early years of the administration, when Obama’s inner circle brimmed with fist-bumping young guys, sports-obsessed aides and brash leaders like top economic adviser Lawrence Summers. There were influential women, such as confidante Valerie Jarrett and advisers Alyssa Mastromonaco and Melody Barnes, but none was as visible on TV or the White House Flickr feed as David Axelrod, Robert Gibbs or David Plouffe.

Even the New York Times wondered in 2009 “Does the White House feel like a frat house?” Mark Leibovch wrote:

The president, after all, is an unabashed First Guy’s Guy. Since being elected, he has demonstrated an encyclopedic knowledge of college hoops on ESPN, indulged a craving for weekend golf, expressed a preference for adopting a “big rambunctious dog” over a “girlie dog” and hoisted beer in a peacemaking effort.

He presides over a White House rife with fist-bumping young men who call each other “dude” and testosterone-brimming personalities like Rahm Emanuel, the often-profane chief of staff;Lawrence Summers, the brash economic adviser; and Robert Gibbs, the press secretary, who habitually speaks in sports metaphors.

The image has been reinforced by President Obama’s own behavior over the years.

I have written numerous times about Barack Obama’s lack of a work ethic. Even during his Harvard years, he was known as a slacker who just glided by on the golden path by virtue of…well… being Barack Obama (see The Obamamometer).

The pattern persisted as President. He consistently has skipped daily economic, intelligence and national security meetings; refuses to call cabinet meetings; considers meeting with Republicans — and most Democrats — as beneath his dignity (or so it seems); turns in his homework — (also known as the national budget)consistently late — another example of his leadership principle in action, leading from behind; and just generally ignored the management of his signature namesake legislation “ObamaCare” until the problems overwhelmed him; and he again-and again-engaged in the juvenile name-calling and taunting that is his wont (as recently as last month, as Eliot Cohen comments, a petulant Obama said Republicans were offering economic policies that amount to a “stinkburger” or “meanwich” — this juvenilia from a man who was declared the greatest orator of our age; trash talk is so sophomoric, after all).


 His work load, such as it is, has been simplified to checking off boxes onmultiple choice memos handed to him by his small circle of aides.  Who knew that was what he meant when he bragged he would wield his power by virtue of his “pen”?  In college, multiple choice exams were easier after all.

But immaturity is rampant in the administration.

Even liberal New York Times columnist Roger Cohen is dismayed by the “Team of Idolizers” Obama has assembled to lead the nation. What qualifications did the boyish Tommy (the name itself is telling) Vietor have to be the NSC spokesman? A few years ago he was driving the press van for then-Senator Obama “From van driver to national Security Council spokesman.”  Many of them are callow, coddled kids and, like the president, have not been educated or steeled by the real world. They are also brittle and it shows by the contemptuous ways they respond to scrutiny or criticism. Hey Dude, that was two years ago is not very different from Jay Carney saying Benghazi was a long time ago (two years is a long time when you have not experienced much in life).

The highest paid staffer for years at the White House was the twenty-something speechwriter Jon Favreau-a sign of how important bloviating promises meant to be broken was to Obama’s victory- who was famously pictured groping the breast of a cardboard cutout of Hillary Clinton while a pal pushed a bottle of beer into Clinton’s mouth. White House meets Animal House.

Vietor and Favreau are apparently drinking buddies: check out the photo below of their beer pong match. How much policy discussion occurred then, dudes?

What qualifications does the thirty-something Ben Rhodes have to be so central to foreign-policy making? Besides being the brother of the president of CBS News that is? A few years ago, after getting a master’s degree in fiction writing from NYU, he was toiling away on a book called “The Oasis of Love,” about a mega-church in Houston, a dog track and a failed romance.”  Hey, Dude, who needs military or diplomatic experience to formulate national security policy?

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki was a campaign spokeswoman for  candidate Barack Obama and is now a laughingstock because of her absurd tweets and selfies, as well has her inability to field questions from the press. Experts were shocked when she landed in this key post, since someone so inexperienced could — and indeed, has — reflected badly on America’s image to the world.

Should we be shocked that such amateurs populate the administration (think Biden; think the bumbling Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense; one could go on)? After all, as Bill Clinton said to Ted Kennedy a few years ago, Barack Obama was fit for “getting us coffee,” but certainly not capable of being a President.  America did not pick Obama for his competency or record, so why should he be responsible for picking qualified people to help him lead the nation? As a human resources truism puts it, A’s hire A’s — and B’s hire C’s.  Obama has lived and worked in academia for much of his life, cossetted, indulged, with little exposure or experience with the real world-and it shows.

Are these people really the best and the brightest?

We have seen the fruit of this leadership. And so has the rest of the world. Ignore the manifold policy failures that have been covered so well by others — or at least the non-besotted media. Just focus on the imagery.

Was there any diplomatic step taken by any leader, anywhere as juvenile as the red reset button? The button itself was stolen from a hotel pool or Jacuzzi – I wonder which  hapless janitor got blamed for that heist.  That might be worthy of a giggly college prank (I hope the statute of limitations is past for my own hijinks) but is it statesmanship, does it show maturity? To add insult to injury, America was mocked for not even getting the translation right. Smart power, indeed.

There are two Poster People that display the juvenile nature of the Obama presidency:  Pajama Boy and animated Julia. Really, is this the best an American President can do? Uncle Sam would be shedding a tear for what America has spiraled down to.

Party Time at the Obama Frat House

There may not be time to get policy right but there is plenty of party time with pals.

Russia invades Crimea; Obama babbles a few words and moves onto a Democratic Party fundraiser where he declares, “Well, it’s a Friday, it’s after 5:00. So this is officially happy hour with the Democratic Party.” Why would anyone be surprised an American president can deal so nonchalantly with Russia invading another nation?

After all, years ago he said, “We never need an excuse for a good party”. There it is: the elusive Obama Doctrine — found at long last.

The Russian invasion –or “uncontested arrival” as the White House depicted it, along with the deaths of civilians-seemed to be as good of an excuse to have a party as any other strategic failure would be.

When American military were putting their lives on the line during the Bin Laden mission, where was Obama? Well, there was the widely-publicized photo of him in the Situation Room, but we later learned from his body man, Reggie Love, that they were playing cards during the mission. For that matter, where was he during the Benghazi attack? The most transparent administration in history won’t say. But speculation is he was resting up to be bright and cheery for his mega-donors the next day in Las Vegas.

George W. Bush gave up golf while president because he thought it an unseemly pastime while Americans were serving overseas. Obama has been addicted to playing golf during his presidency, all on our credit card, at a cost of millions.

Actually, sports has been an obsession of Obama’s for many years, as confidantValerie Jarrett has revealed (‘Sports, sports and more sports”). The National Review’s Jim Geraghty noted how proud the Obama team is of their athletic ability in “Barack Obama, Gridiron Great,” since the White House official Flickr “feed reveals they play a lot of football in that building.” Photo after photo of the guys tossing the pigskin around looks fun; more enjoyable than dealing with the problems they have created.

He may not have time to do his job but he has found time to watch a lot of television shows — even when he is not on them. Entourage, Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, Homeland, and The Wire are among his favorites but there are many more. He is truly a pop-culture president. No wonder he has so little time for work. Maybe during re-run season he can catch-up with his work, though we know that he has asked for advance screenings of his favorite shows as a perk of the presidency.

He felt the need to enlighten us with his NCAA bracket picks on national television. And fulfill the dream of every adolescent by playing with NBA superstars; attending numerous games; hanging with sports stars; playing golf with superstars — on and on. There are private concerts in the East Room where he can be serenaded by music legends such as Paul McCartney and humored by Jerry Seinfeld. He makes time to hang out with rappers but not Republicans.

Jay-Z felt free to roam into the Situation Room where he lounged with his entourage. What do world leaders and royalty make of Al Sharpton, for example, when he attends official state dinners? (Unlike the president, he is a figure that actually may do better without a teleprompter.) When I read of all the parties at the White House, see photos of the holiday decorations and the Wonderland-themed party hosted by Johnny Depp and Tim Burton (pics the White House tried to hide are here) I think of the 1960s movie ‘the Masque of the Red Death,” where the wealthy and powerful party inside a palace as destruction rages outside the walls protecting them.

Obama seems to like his beer (like Favreau and Vietor), since there are numerousphotos of his quaffing away. He appreciates beer so much that after he stupidly said Boston police acted stupidly when investigating what they thought might have been a breaking and entering, Obama called a “beer summit.”  Dude, what differences can’t be resolved by hoisting a brewski? Certainly more respectable thanh chooming.

And if beer cannot solve problems than there are always the tweets and selfies that elicit parody (see the instant classic #Bring Back Our Balls from the estimable Mark Steyn) not respect. And scorn from our adversaries. Does Michelle Obama’s poutiness affect Putin or the Islamic kidnappers of young girls in Nigeria?

Does anyone care about selfies as much as our selfie-addicted president? Selfies are perfect for narcissists.

Such hashtag activism is nothing but an exercise in self-esteem, as George Will aptly put it — and there is no shortage of self-esteem in this administration. Policy, as Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Michigan), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, noted “has to be more than hashtags and selfies.” They are juvenile.

Call these types of tweets what they are: tweets from twits.

But what if that is all there is to this team of walking, talking and taunting selfies?

Thanks to Joel Pollak of Breitbart for sparking this column.


Tommy “Dude” Vietor, former National Security Council spokesman, did America a favor when he dismissed a question from Fox News’s Bret Baier about Benghazi with the Lebowskian “Dude, that was like two years ago.”  S….

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New Mexico Dem Tells Colleagues Not to Support ‘Anglo’ Democrats

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An Idea for a Protest to Gauge the ‘Tolerance’ of LeftProgs

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